Late For Work Update 2 - Bigger Maps, Better Modes and UI
Buy Late For Work on Steam!Hello friends,
Check out our first major update! We’ve been listening to your feedback and working hard on the game.
Bigger and Busier Maps
The Seaport map got a major revamp and is now 3 times the size! The Valley map has a lot more going on! Please check them out and let us know what you think.
Better Modes
We really spent some time polishing our Last Man Standing and Hide & Seek modes. We consider these modes more ‘advanced’ for a our group of players comfortable with the game and who know each other’s tendencies. These modes involve cunning, daring escapes and outthinking your opponents. We’ve fleshed out the intro period so you have time to hide and we explain the rules a lot better.
UI Improvements
We’re trying to make it as easy as possible to jump into a game and understand what is going on. We’ve spent the last couple weeks revamping our UI, our game mode intros, the result screens and in-game tutorials. There’s still a lot more to do but as always, but things are a lot stabler.
The Settings screen has also had a makeover, with clearer options and better explanations:
Behind The Scenes
There’s so much going underneath the hood. We’ve revamped our build system to make it easier and faster to publish updates. We’ve put in the ground work for a localization system, which is coming in our next beta update (if you want to see the game in your native language, help us translate it!). We’re laying the ground work for some new art and visual improvements. Are we investing a lot of time polishing the vehicle controls.
The whole team is excited about what’s coming up in the next few weeks. As always, we are counting on your feedback to help us prioritize our focus. Our roadmap is available at roadmap.lateforworkgame.com.
Cheers, Salmi Games