GrowRilla Update 8 - Cheater, Cheater Pumpkin Eater
Buy GrowRilla on Steam!Hello friends,
Just in time for Halloween, we are unveiling a special feature today. We’ve used this extensively during development to help us test GrowRilla. Today we want to present to you… the cheats file!
Before we jump into that, a small reminder: make sure to check out GrowRilla during the Steam Halloween event - we generate extra spooky events in the procedurally-generated maps, which you can only experience during the Halloween week. And now back to the cheats file!
With the cheats file you can edit certain properties of the game to tweak the game’s behavior and override various aspects of the level generation. For example, you can make yourself invincible or increase the spawn rates of certain enemies or spawn additional nukes in the game. Or even change gravity!
Currently, the number of supported properties that be tweaked is limited, but if you have any good suggestions for settings you would like to edit, let us know and we’ll do our best to add them. For the level generation, we’ve exposed almost the entire system, so the number of things you can change is almost infinite!
Cheat Guide
We’ve prepared a full cheat guide, which you can read here. Below is an overview of what you can change in the game:
- allowCheating: true/false (allows / ignores the use of the cheats file)
- addSecretWeapons: true/false (spawns nukes at regular farms)
- invincible: true/false (turns invincibility on / off)
- overwriteProbabilities:[{“name”:”PoIName”,”probability”:100.0}] (Overwrites the spawn probability of certain places of interests / enemies)
overwriteProbabilities is the “meat and potatoes” to hacking the level generation. We go into much more detail in the above mentioned cheat file guide. We hope you try it out and customize the GrowRilla islands to your liking. Hopefully you’ll even discover new or funny configurations.
That sums up the major additions in this update. We’ve also made a few fixes and improvements based on player feedback, see the full changelist below. As per usual, we always appreciate your feedback on our games. You can chat with us over on our discord.
Cheers, Salmi Games
Changelist - Build 391
- Added a deadzone for joystick locomotion
- Added the cheats file to the GrowRilla data root folder
- Added a folder with cheat files examples to the root folder
- You now no longer instantly die as a giant gorilla if you enter shallow water
- Expose gravity setting in cheats file